Sunday, February 26, 2012

Floating the Dead Sea

Feb 25 - The Dead Sea was huge.  I couldn't believe how big it was.  When we got to our stopping spot Ann and I weren't too excited about getting out and taking a dip, BUT we both could hear our husband's voices saying to us when we got back, if we reported we didn't..."Why didn't you take a swim, since you were there?!"  So, after a nice lunch on the patio, we both got changed and took the plunge.  Well, not really a plunge.  Instead of a nice sandy bottom, the lake bottom had round crystals of sharp salt.  It's really hard to walk on it even with sandals.  Poor Ann had forgotten her's and was walking barefoot.  She made it and we were both amazed on how easy it was to float.  The sea is 33% salt.  After the float, we felt oily all over.  So a nice shower worked great.

1 comment:

  1. This gives a whole new meaning to a "floaty". Float on!! You were right about asking "why" you didn't float and you would have regretted it! No regrets! Enjoy!!!
