Sunday, February 26, 2012

Simon the Tanner - Megiddo - Nazareth - Sea of Galilee

February 23 - We saw so much today. Don’t know where to start.  Guess I was most moved by Simon the Tanner’s house where Peter had his vision of the unclean things.  Refer Acts 8-10 for context.  Rebecca taught and brought a most interesting insight, that in some ways this was a “second” Pentecost since it really opened the door to the Gentiles as never before.  Especially with Cornelius showing up and those from his household receiving the Holy Spirit in such a manifest way that Peter suggested they be baptized in water also.  Sort of an interesting perspective from Rebecca; the Gentile Pentecost.

Then on by the sea to Megiddo and also seeing Mt. Carmel, Mt. Gilboa and Mt. Tabor.  To think that Deborah, Elijah, Jesus, et al lifted up their eyes to these hills was moving.  Just like I felt in Old Corinth thinking of Paul.  We saw the city of Nazareth, which is sure more than a stable and a few inns.  But we did go to the Mt of the Precipice where they threatened to throw Jesus down but it was before his time.  Then that looks over the valley of Jezerel where the last battle will be fought and to think how many battles have already been fought there.  Right now it is blooming with crops galore and wildflowers as well as the almond tree blooming. 

Megiddo (second picture has Anot our Israeli tour guide in the picture)

Valley of Jezerel (Armageddon - Hebrew=Hill of Megiddo Rev 16:16)

Mt of Precipice


Flowering Almond

We spent more time in Zippori as it was the home town of Mary.  Kimberly did a wonderful teaching on the power of being an Elizabeth in other women’s lives.  A safe place that Mary could go to where she wasn’t judged, competed with, and found a woman to stand with her.  I’m always moved by their story of genuine women friendships that can not only stand in uncertain times but is able to rejoice over the magnificant presence of God in another woman’s lives.  I am thankful for those of you who are Elizabeth’s in my life and hope to be trustworthy for you too.
Tonight our room overlooks the Sea of Galilee. Think we missed the light show over the water.  We are in Tiberius.  Will take a boat on the sea tomorrow after baptisms.  There is another gal here whose birthday is tomorrow. 

Sunset on the Sea of Galilee (view from our hotel room)

I am overwhelmed with the goodness of the Lord in this place.  I feel at home and safe.
Blessings to all of you, Ann

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